Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Plate I Sent Brewier Back to Buy

The last thing I need is another piece of china, but just look at this lustreware piece. It is so beautiful and in such great shape!
Brewier and I were at a garage sale and I kept going back to look at this plate; I just love it. But as I said, I don't need any more dishes and despite Brewier's encouragement to go ahead and buy it, I didn't. Then as we were pulling away from the sale I realized I'd regret that decision, so Brewier stopped the car and hopped out to go get it for me <3


Amy said...

I love it too, I'm glad you reconsidered.

HopiQ said...

Oh, I am so with you on that "regret!" Glad Brewier got it and it didn't slip away.

Rust: Vintage Inspired Design said...

Love your blog and all your thrifty finds.

Maureen said...

Oh so pretty! You really did NEED this. I've never seen that color before.