Oh the deals we found at garage sales yesterday! These brand new green leather gloves for a dollar. Vintage shiny brite ornaments, (they reminded me of when I was a kid,) for thirty five cents and the deal of deals, a brand new Capresso espresso machine, NEW, in the box, for $5! (It retails for $75!)

Brewier bought a laptop carrier, (like new,) at the same garage sale as the espresso machine, for $5. When he got home he started started unzipping all the pockets on it and found 28 cents in change and $11 in 39 cent stamps!
So, basically, you bought everything in the picture, plus the laptop carrier for 7 cents! I'd say that's the deal of the century!
My grandma and mother gave me ornaments like those and some that are cut-away to reveal little scenes of snowmen and Santas inside. I love them and they remind me of many great Christmas'.
wow.....where do you yard sale?
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